How Life As An Expat Can Change You (For The Better)

Psychologists have said that dealing with one life change at a moment in time can be really difficult. When you change just about everything in your life all at once such as a job, house, friends, city, and country, you can experience significant levels of stress. I decided to take on this challenge when I chose to move from New York City to Sydney, Australia six years ago. While the reason I went to Australia ultimately didn’t work out, it ended up being one of the best life decisions I’ve made because I grew as an individual and saw first-hand how business is done in another country.

I knew I was doing business in another country when I took a CIO out for lunch on a Friday during one of my first weeks in Sydney. At around 2 pm I went to pay the bill thinking, “He must need to get back to the office.” The customer looked at me with surprise and said “Oh, don’t worry about my schedule. I don’t have to be back until Bob’s farewell at the Pub at 5:30 pm.” I thought to myself, “You’ve got to be kidding me. I have so much work left to do today.” This was my first introduction to what is commonly known as the “Aussie long lunch.” What I came to really appreciate over the years, was that business was done in person and through genuine relationships. Through my interactions, I came to know my customers so well that I would often invite them and their wives to dinners that I would host with my friends. I was genuinely interested in my customers and their businesses, and my job did not feel like work. 

Throughout the 2.5 years I lived in Australia, I learned that you can leave everything behind that you’re accustomed to, start from scratch, and thrive. I built new friendships, learned a new job, figured out how to drive on the opposite side of the road without hitting too many things, and navigated a new city, new country, and new customs. I became a better person, and better at my job. On the flight back from Sydney when I was moving back to San Francisco, I posted several of the lessons I learned. Here is what I wrote:

Lessons learned in the last 2.5 years in Australia:

  1. Live a life without regrets. And while the reason I went to Australia didn’t turn out as I had hoped, the... friendships I’ve made and experiences I’ve had, have completely fulfilled me. If you have an opportunity to live in another country, do it!
  2. Embrace the local customs wherever you are. In this case, I learned that life is too short to drink bad wine. And lunch isn’t a proper lunch, unless it turns into dinner.
  3. Take a chance on love. And if it doesn’t work out, just give it another go!
  4. Work hard, but not so hard that you can’t enjoy the journey.
  5. Stop and appreciate exactly where you are in this moment, because this is exactly where you are supposed to be.
  6. Don’t forget to laugh at yourself and not take things too seriously.
  7. Friendships – treat others like gold. The best moments in life come when you can share them with others.

If you’re ever given the opportunity to work overseas, I would highly recommend it. Leave all your pre-conceived notions about the country behind, and go with an open mind. I guarantee that you will learn more about yourself in a short amount of time than you would if you stayed in your current environment and in the safety of your comfort zone.